22-year-old Alex Megos continues to amaze…
Earlier this month Alex established Canada’s hardest route with the first ascent of Fight Club (5.15b/9b). Perhaps even more impressive was his flash ascent of Sonnie Trotter’s sparsely protected trad line, The Path (5.14 R)! These achievements, in addition to his penchant for quickly sending V-hard boulder problems, reveals that Alex is more than just a great sport climber—he is one of the world’s best all-around rock climbers!
In search of Alex Megos’ formula for success, part 3 in the four-part series stops at the legendary Peak District in the UK. Here Alex uncovers the mystery behind mystical routes and takes on one of the most historic sport routes of all time—Ben Moon’s Hubble (5.14d/9a). What does Alex have to say about the climb? “Hubble isn’t just a route. Hubble is the myth Hubble. It only has 5 repeats so far and of course that alone lets you stand in awe of its story.”
In this video you’ll follow Alex as he visits Ben Moon and Jerry Moffat in Sheffield…and sends Hubble!
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